What is the Mystery to a successful Marriage, or any healthy Relationship? The Mystery is in the math. What does Mathematics have to do with Love or relationships you ask? Think about it. The Bible speaks of the Great Mystery of two people becoming "One Flesh" in marriage. How do 2 become one? Some say the equation is Addition each person equals 1/2 of the union, thus 1/2 + 1/2 = 1. How many times have we heard that? How many attempts have we made to find that person who makes us complete? How many are in Bad relationships having at one time been convinced that we had found Mr. or Mrs. Right. Our courts are overwhelmed with Divorce petitions, so many that most states have adopted the "No-Contest" Divorce. Statistics vary but according to the Enrichment Journal 41% of fist marriages in America end in divorce, 60% of Second Marriages, and 73% of Third Marriages. What is the problem? Is it one of commitment? "For better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do us part." Yes we meant it when we spoke it, or did we?
I propose this is just a symptom of a problem that has its root in the Mathematics of Relationship.
The equation is Multiplication not Addition. What do I mean? There are two people necessary, two whole people, independent, self reliant, complete entities. The only equation that joins two individuals each with the value of 1 and has the product of 1 is multiplication. Thus 1 X 1 = 1.
Here in lies the problem. If we as individuals look for our other half, we end up with a product of the relationship that is less than whole. 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4. No wonder so many are disappointed in Love and Relationships. We are looking for love in all the wrong places. The Prescription to cure our Love and Relationships issues is not "Fixing" the other half. It is becoming whole ourselves. This is the purpose of this blog, is (1) to share with you my ongoing "Journey to Wholeness", and (2) to encourage you to join me.
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